Clustering :four: Ever Download Maven Central Binder

Welcome to Clustering:four:Ever, a Big Data Clustering Library gathering clustering, unsupervised algorithms, and quality indices. Don’t hesitate to check our Wiki, ask questions or make recommendations in our Gitter.

API documentation

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Add following line in your build.sbt :

Eventually add one of these resolvers :

You can also take specifics parts (Core, ScalaClustering, …) from Bintray or Maven.

Available algorithms

Clustering algorithms

Algorithm followed with a * can be executed by benchmarking classes.


Quality Indices

You can realize manually your quality measures with dedicated class for local or distributed collection. Helpers ClustersIndicesAnalysisLocal and ClustersIndicesAnalysisDistributed allow you to test indices on multiple clustering at once.

Clustering benchmarking and analysis

Using classes ClusteringChainingLocal, BigDataClusteringChaining, DistributedClusteringChaining, and ChainingOneAlgorithm descendants you have the possibility to run multiple clustering algorithms respectively locally and parallel, in a sequentially distributed way, and parallel on a distributed system, locally and parallel, generate much vectorization of the data whilst keeping active information on each clustering including used vectorization, clustering model, clustering number and clustering arguments.

Classes ClustersIndicesAnalysisLocal and ClustersIndicesAnalysisDistributed are devoted for clustering indices analysis.

Classes ClustersAnalysisLocal and ClustersAnalysisDistributed will be used to describe obtained clustering in terms of distributions, proportions of categorical features…

Incoming soon (developped by our team)


If you publish material based on information obtained from this repository, then, in your acknowledgements, please note the assistance you received by using this community work. This will help others to obtain the same information and replicate your experiments, because having results is cool but being able to compare to others is better. Citation: @misc{C4E, url = ““, institution = “Paris 13 University, LIPN UMR CNRS 7030”}

C4E-Notebooks examples

Basic usages of implemented algorithms are exposed with BeakerX and Jupyter notebook through binder :arrow_right: Binder.

They also can be downloaded directly from our Notebooks repository under different format as Jupyter or SparkNotebook.


Helper functions to generate Clusterizable collections

You can easily generate your collections with basic Clusterizable using helpers in org.clustering4ever.util.{ArrayAndSeqTowardGVectorImplicit, ScalaCollectionImplicits, SparkImplicits} or explore Clusterizable and EasyClusterizable for more advanced usages.


ArrayBuffer or ParArray as vector containers are recommended for local applications, if data is bigger don’t hesitate to pass to RDD.